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FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies to the House Judiciary Committee on the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump
Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project analyzed mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates
Thomas Matthew Crooks posted on Steam, “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds”
The message was revealed to US senators during a briefing by top law enforcement officials Wednesday, July 17th, 2024.
Thomas Crooks spotted by police on the roof before assassination attempt on Donald Trump
Butler Township Manager, Tom Knights, stated that police spotted Crooks on the roof with a rifle and called it into the blanket tactical channel. "Two of the officers went to what appeared to be the ...
Thomas Crooks' classmates state that he was not bullied in High School
Social Media and Censorship
The Twitter Files
When Elon Musk acquired Twitter, he made internal communications traffic available to select journalists. This traffic included internal and external communications. Journalists would choose topics and search terms, then Twitter lawyers would deliver the results. According to Michael Shellenberge...
Misinformation / Censorship Industrial Complex
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US Border Control and the use of Whips on Migrants
US Border Control on horseback have been accused of using whips on migrants.
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